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The 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

Session 4C  Simulation and Modeling for Signal-Integrity Analysis
Time: 14:00 - 15:40 Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Location: Room 202
Chairs: Rung-Bin Lin (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan), Youngsoo Shin (KAIST, Republic of Korea)

4C-1 (Time: 14:00 - 14:25)
TitleAn Adaptive LU Factorization Algorithm for Parallel Circuit Simulation
Author*Xiaoming Chen, Yu Wang, Huazhong Yang (Tsinghua University, China)
Pagepp. 359 - 364
KeywordParallel LU Factorization, Parallel Circuit Simulation
AbstractSparse matrix solver has become the bottleneck in SPICE simulator. It is difficult to parallelize the solver because of the high data-dependency during the numerical LU factorization. This paper proposes a parallel LU factorization (with partial pivoting) algorithm on shared-memory computers with multi-core CPUs, to accelerate circuit simulation. Since not every matrix is suitable for parallel algorithm, a predictive method is proposed to decide whether a matrix should use parallel or sequential algorithm. The experimental results on 35 circuit matrices reveal that the developed algorithm achieves speedups of 2.11x~8.38x (on geometric-average), compared with KLU, with 1~8 threads, on the matrices which are suitable for parallel algorithm. Our solver can be downloaded from http://nicslu.weebly.com.

4C-2 (Time: 14:25 - 14:50)
TitlePredictor-Corrector Latency Insertion Method for Fast Transient Analysis of Ill-Constructed Circuits
Author*Hiroki Kurobe (Graduate School of Eng., Shizuoka University, Japan), Tadatoshi Sekine (Graduate School of Science and Tech., Shizuoka University, Japan), Hideki Asai (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 365 - 370
Keywordcoupled multiconductor, fast circuit simulation, high-speed interconnect, latency insertion method, predictor-corrector
AbstractThis paper describes a predictor-corrector latency insertion method (LIM) for a fast transient analysis of an ill-constructed circuit. First, the basic LIM algorithm and limitations of the method are described. Next, we propose the predictor-corrector LIM with a large value of fictitious latency for the ill-constructed topologies. Finally, numerical results show that our proposed method is applicable and efficient for the fast simulation of the ill-constructed circuit.

4C-3 (Time: 14:50 - 15:15)
TitleCrosstalk-Aware Statistical Interconnect Delay Calculation
Author*Qin Tang, Amir Zjajo, Michel Berkelaar, Nick van der Meijs (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Pagepp. 371 - 376
Keywordcrosstalk, interconnect delay, statistical delay calculation, coupling effects, process variations
AbstractAs the device geometries are shrinking, the impact of crosstalk effects increases, which results in a stronger dependence of interconnect delay on the input arrival time difference between victim and aggressor inputs (input skew). The increasing process variations lead to statistical input skew which induces significant interconnect delay variations. Therefore, it is necessary to take input skew variation into account for interconnect delay calculation in the presence of process variations. Existing timing analysis tools evaluate gate and interconnect delays separately. In this paper, we focus on statistical interconnect delay calculation considering crosstalk effects. A piecewise linear delay-change-curve model enables closed-form analytical evaluation of the statistical interconnect delay caused by input skew (SK) variations. This method can handle arbitrarily distributed SK variations. The process-variation (PV)-induced interconnect delay variation is handled in a quadratic delay model which considers coupling effects. The SK- and PV-induced interconnect delay variations are combined together for crosstalk-aware statistical interconnect delay calculation. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can predict the interconnect delay impacted by both input skew variation and process variations with average (maximum) absolute mean error 0.25% (0.75%) and standard deviation error 1.31%(3.53%) for different types of coupled wires in a 65nm technology.

4C-4 (Time: 15:15 - 15:40)
TitleFast Floating Random Walk Algorithm for Multi-Dielectric Capacitance Extraction with Numerical Characterization of Green's Functions
AuthorHao Zhuang (Tsinghua University/Peking University, China), *Wenjian Yu, Gang Hu, Zhi Liu, Zuochang Ye (Tsinghua University, China)
Pagepp. 377 - 382
Keywordfloating random walk, capacitance extraction, multiple dielectric, thin dielectric, finite difference method
AbstractThe floating random walk (FRW) algorithm has several advantages for extracting 3D interconnect capacitance. However, for multi-layer dielectrics in VLSI technology, the efficiency of FRW algorithm would be degraded due to frequent stop of walks at dielectric interface and constraint of first-hop length especially in thin dielectrics. In this paper, we tackle these problems with the numerical characterization of Green's function for cross-interface transition probabilities and weight values. We also present a space management technique with Octree data structure to reduce the time of each hop and parallelize the whole FRW by multi-threaded programming. Numerical results show large speedup brought by the proposed techniques for structures under the VLSI technology with thin dielectric layers.