Title | (Invited Paper) Novel Nonvolatile Memory Hierarchies to Realize "Normally-Off Mobile Processors" |
Author | *Shinobu Fujita, Kumiko Nomura, Hiroki Noguchi, Susumu Takeda, Keiko Abe (Toshiba Corporation, Japan) |
Page | pp. 6 - 11 |
Keyword | STT-MRAM, Normally-off computer, Normally-off processor, mobile processor, nonvolatile memory |
Abstract | This paper presents novel processor architecture for HP-processor with nonvolatile/volatile hybrid cache memory. By simulations of high-performance (HP)-processor using MTJs, it has been clarified that total power of the HP-processor using perpendicular-(p-)STT-MRAM can be reduced by over 90 % with little degradation of processor performance. The presented architecture with nonvolatile memory hierarchy will realize the “normally-off computers”. |
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Title | (Invited Paper) Normally-Off MCU Architecture for Low-Power Sensor Node |
Author | *Masanori Hayashikoshi, Yohei Sato, Hiroshi Ueki, Hiroyuki Kawai, Toru Shimizu (Renesas Electronics Corporation, Japan) |
Page | pp. 12 - 16 |
Keyword | Normally-off, Low-power, Microcontroller, MCU |
Abstract | The production volume of sensor nodes is much increased with the development of cyber-physical systems. Therefore, it becomes important how to reduce the power consumption of huge sensor nodes. In this work, normally-off architecture of microcontroller for future low-power sensor node is proposed. To realize true low-power effects with normally-off computing technology, a co-design of hardware and software technology is much important. In this work, the power consumption of sensor nodes is possible to reduce of around 70%. |
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