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The 15th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

Session 1A  Embedded Systems Design Techniques
Time: 13:30 - 15:10 Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Location: Room 101A
Chairs: Chun Jason Xue (City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Tei-Wei Kuo (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)

1A-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:55)
TitleA PUF Design for Secure FPGA-Based Embedded Systems
Author*Jason H. Anderson (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
Pagepp. 1 - 6
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1A-2 (Time: 13:55 - 14:20)
TitleAdaptive Power Management for Real-Time Event Streams
Author*Kai Huang (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Luca Santinelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy), Jian-Jia Chen, Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Giorgio C. Buttazzo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy)
Pagepp. 7 - 12
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1A-3 (Time: 14:20 - 14:45)
TitleAn Alternative Polychronous Model and Synthesis Methodology for Model-Driven Embedded Software
AuthorBijoy Antony Jose, *Sandeep Kumar Shukla (FERMAT Lab, Virginia Tech, U.S.A.)
Pagepp. 13 - 18
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1A-4 (Time: 14:45 - 15:10)
TitleTrace-based Performance Analysis Framework for Heterogeneous Multicore Systems
AuthorShih-Hao Hung, *Chia-Heng Tu, Thean-Siew Soon (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)
Pagepp. 19 - 24
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