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The 16th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

Session 2A  Scheduling Techniques for Embedded Systems
Time: 13:40 - 15:40 Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Location: Room 411+412
Chairs: Dip Goswami (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Naehyuck Chang (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)

2A-1 (Time: 13:40 - 14:10)
TitleThermally Optimal Stop-Go Scheduling of Task Graphs with Real-Time Constraints
Author*Pratyush Kumar, Lothar Thiele (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Pagepp. 123 - 128
KeywordStop-go scheduling, Task-graphs, Real-time
AbstractDynamic thermal management (DTM) techniques to manage the load on a system to avoid thermal hazards are soon becoming mainstream in today’s systems. With the increas- ing percentage of leakage power, switching off the processors is becoming a viable alternative technique to speed scaling. For real-time applications, it is crucial that under such techniques the system still meets the performance constraints. In this pa- per we study stop-go scheduling to minimize peak temperature when scheduling an application, modeled as a task-graph, within a given makespan constraint. For a given static-ordering of exe- cution of the tasks, we derive the optimal schedule referred to as the JUST schedule. We prove that for periodic task-graphs, the optimal temperature is independent of the chosen static-ordering when following the proposed JUST schedule. Simulation experi- ments validate the theoretical results.

2A-2 (Time: 14:10 - 14:40)
TitleRegister Allocation for Write Activity Minimization on Non-volatile Main Memory
AuthorYazhi Huang, Tiantian Liu, *Jason Xue (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Pagepp. 129 - 134
KeywordNon-volatile memory, register allocation, graph coloring
AbstractNon-volatile memories are good candidates for DRAM replacement as main memory in embedded systems . This paper focuses on the embedded systems using nonvolatile memory as main memory. We propose register allocation technique with re-computation to reduce the number of store instructions. When non-volatile memory is applied as the main memory, reducing store instructions will reduce write activities on non-volatile memory. The proposed techniques can efficiently reduce the number of store instructions on systems with nonvolatile memory by 25% on average.

2A-3 (Time: 14:40 - 15:10)
TitleLeakage Conscious DVS Scheduling for Peak Temperature Minimization
AuthorVivek Chaturvedi, *Gang Quan (Florida International University, U.S.A.)
Pagepp. 135 - 140
KeywordDVS, real-time scheduling, leakage-aware, thermal management, peak temperature
AbstractIn this paper, we incorporate the dependencies among the leakage, the temperature and the supply voltage into the theoretical analysis and explore the fundamental characteristics on how to employ dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) to reduce the peak operating temperature. We find that, for a specific interval, a real-time scheduleusing the lowest constant speed is not necessarily the optimal choice any more in minimizing the peak temperature. We identify the scenarios when a schedule using two different speeds can outperform the one using the constant speed. In addition, we find that the constant speed schedule is still the optimal one to minimize the peak temperature at the temperature stable status when scheduling a periodic task set. We formulate our conclusions into several theorems with formal proofs.

2A-4 (Time: 15:10 - 15:40)
TitleReconfiguration-aware Real-Time Scheduling under QoS Constraint
AuthorHessam Kooti, *Deepak Mishra, Eli Bozorgzadeh (University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.)
Pagepp. 141 - 146
KeywordQuality of Service, Real-Time, Reconfiguration overhead
AbstractDue to the increase in demand for reconfigurability in embedded systems, schedulability in real-time task scheduling is challenged by non-negligible reconfiguration overheads. Reconfiguration of the system during task execution affects both deadline miss rate and deadline miss distribution. On the other hand, Quality of Service (QoS) in several embedded applications is not only determined by deadline miss rate but also the distribution of the tasks missing their deadlines (known as weakly-hard real-time systems). As a result, we propose to model QoS constraints as a set of constraints on dropout patterns (due to reconfiguration overhead) and present a novel online solution for the problem of reconfiguration-aware real-time scheduling. According to QoS constraints, we divide the ready instances of the tasks into two groups: critical and non-critical, then model each group as a network flow problem and provide an online scheduler for each group. We deployed our method on synthetic benchmarks as well as software defined radio implementation of VoIP on reconfigurable systems. Results show that our solution reduces the number of QoS violations by 19.01 times and 2.33 times (57.02%) in comparison with Bi-Modal Scheduler (BMS) [1] for synthetic benchmarks with low and high QoS constraint, respectively.