ASP-DAC 2006 Archives

Title Current Trends in Flash Memory Technology
Author *Sang Lyul Min, Eyee Hyun Nam (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Abstract In this paper, we describe the basics of flash memory technology in general and flash memory drive in particular, and explain the current trends of major components of a flash memory drive including flash memory chips, host interface and flash memory controller.
Slides (pdf file) 3D-1

Title Configurability of Performance and Overheads in Flash Management
Author *Tei-Wei Kuo, Jen-Wei Hsieh (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Li-Pin Chang (National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan), Yuan-Hao Chang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Abstract Flash memory has been widely considered as a good alternative for storage system implementations because it offers superior vibration tolerance and power efficiency, compared to hard-disks. Because of its unique characteristics, direct applications of disk management methods over flash memory might result in performance degradation and even the reducing of the lifetime. The management issues become even more challenging, especially when the capacity of flash memory increases significantly in the past few years. In this paper, we summarize our work on several important issues in flash memory management, where system performance and management overheads are considered. The capability of the proposed methodology was evaluated by a series of experiments to provide more insights in system designs.
Slides (pdf file) 3D-2